How to Become a Top Freight Forwarder Through Digital Transformation in 2023

Learn the way to become the top freight service provider by shifting to a digital freight forwarding system. Automation brings efficiency, speed, and productivity.

With the world moving towards digitalization and automation, processes are not only becoming more efficient but also more productive. Around 45% of organizations believe that adapting to digitised freight forwarding system is an important part of a supply chain.

Biggest Challenges of Traditional Freight Service Providers

Businesses or individuals who do not move towards digitization and automation are often left behind. The freight forwarding industry is complex, but with the use of technology, it can be made simpler. Freight service provider who still need to decide to digitize are struggling today in terms of demand and supply management, supply chain visibility, and streamlining operations. They have been facing a number of challenges, which are mentioned below:

  • They have to enter all the data manually.
  • The reporting and analytics are limited.
  • They have problems with communication.
  • They are unable to track the orders in real time.
  • The data managed is poor quality.
  • Managing multiple suppliers at the same time.
  • Delays in the freight forwarding system because of low visibility.

How to Identify Modern Reliable Freight Services

Meanwhile, freight service providers who have accepted and implemented digitalization in their freight forwarding system have smooth streamlining processes. From booking and documentation to tracking the shipments in real-time, their services are more efficient. The increased supply chain visibility makes the supply chain process more transparent. Here are some benefits of becoming a modern and reliable freight service provider: 

  • Your business can run more efficiently 
  • You can save fuel and operational costs, increasing revenue.
  • Your employees can save time and become more productive
  • You can have a centralized command setup for monitoring
  • You can get access to better data analytics and forecasting
  • You can track your shipments in real-time, gaining visibility.
  • You can plan better routes and avoid issues related to traffic and weather

How a freight forwarding system boosts your growth

An automated freight forwarding system can take the productivity of your processes to the next level. With quicker results, you can achieve higher customer satisfaction. By adapting to digitalization, you can also lower costs as you will now need less human labor. When you become a digital freight service provider, you can reduce costs and save time, energy, and human resources. Here's how you can boost the growth of your freight forwarding system by shifting to digitalization:

Accurate Data Processing

To run processes at the highest level and to provide reliable freight services, you need access to accurate data. Using the traditional method of maintaining data loses accuracy, which can become very costly in the long run. Managing manual data is also more time-consuming. Getting accurate data is important when generating invoices and doing rate calculations. Human error can have a serious impact on them when not done right. Shifting to a digitalized freight forwarding system can reduce the chance of risk in terms of data inaccuracy. Using a digital freight forwarding system will help keep your data organized. Whenever you need access to the data or need to share it, you can easily access it in the system. The data you will find will be up-to-date, precise, and secure as it is fed into your own system.

Faster Rate Calculation

A highly prioritized action in the freight forwarding industry is always staying on schedule, which helps build strong client relationships. Lack of responsiveness from your side or slower service can highly impact your reputation as a reliable freight services provider. Calculating rate is a crucial responsibility of a freight forwarder; if done incorrectly, there can be consequences. Human error can become a barrier to giving the best rates to your clients. Having a digitalized freight forwarding system can help you calculate rates quickly as all your data is fed into it.

Higher Customer Satisfaction

One of the role of freight forwarder is to keep their customers satisfied, meaning you need to provide more value than just shipping their products. Shifting to a digitalized system can increase supply chain visibility, which means quicker results. Higher client satisfaction will, therefore, not be unachievable then. By providing reliable freight services, you can customize your customer's experience and easily provide a better service to them. You can make them trust you for the best customer service and become their main digital solution provider. Client satisfaction and retention can both become easy with logistics automation.

Real-time Route Management 

Freight systems can help you keep a check on operations both inside and outside your office. When you are aware of your shipment's exact coordinates, you can make better decisions than on time. With the help of an automated freight forwarding system, you can view all your shipments that are active, be it in the sea, land, or air. All you need to do is click on it and view all the details when required. By using a digital freight forwarding system, you can find out about the route of shipments. When you notice something wrong with the route, you can immediately change it before facing any delays.

Data Organization and Security

Storing data manually is no less than a headache for a freight service provider. Adapting to digitalization can change the way you store and arrange your data. The data is secure in the system. When the need arises, you can also share it with stakeholders. Whether you want to create reports for your stakeholders or wish to view the data, you can easily see it errorless on your screen. You can also put restrictions on the data, meaning you can control who can or cannot access it. Reliable freight services can help you create backups of your data so there is no chance of losing it. Using freight forwarding software, all departments of the organization can easily organize their data and put restrictions on it to ensure integrity.

Greater Employee Productivity

Employees can get exhausted after viewing invoices on repeat and calculating rates. With minds drained, their productivity will also decrease. Therefore, it is important to use a digitalized freight forwarding system for such tasks. A digital system can reduce employee burnout and manage invoices and rates efficiently. Training employees for manual tasks takes longer than training them in managing freight forwarding software. To increase employee productivity and to save time, adapting to software is important.

Speed Up Operations

A common complaint that freight service provider face is delays in order processing and shipment. The best solution to resolve delays is going towards a digital freight forwarding system. With higher visibility and transparency, processes that take a day when done by humans can be done in half the time. To become a provider of reliable freight services, you need to have access to real-time data, including routes of shipment. The software can help you calculate rates more efficiently, generate error-free invoices, and keep your data secure. Using an automated freight forwarding system can not only help you save your time, but also your customers’.

Sustainable Long-term Solutions

To fulfil the role of freight forwarder in the modern freight industry, many freight forwarders have moved towards digital systems. The shift is likely to result in the reduction of carbon emissions by 12% by 2025. Digital transformation has greatly resolved the concern of the shipping sector regarding carbon emissions, which is harmful to the environment. The supply chains have become more sustainable with the help of better management of routes. Another eco-friendly initiative is the move from paper to digital, leaving a positive impact on the environment.

Now that you are aware of how you can boost your growth to provide reliable freight services, don't hesitate to move towards digitization. Shifting will not only lower your operational time but also make your processes more efficient and productive!